wholesale teak furniture

Where to Buy Wholesale Teak Furniture

Are you in the market for wholesale teak furniture? Maybe you’re the owner of a restaurant, resort, or hotel and you want find some quality teak furniture at wholesale prices in order to furnish your business.

Teak would make a very good choice for a beer garden or other outdoor seating and dining areas because it is so resistant to weather damage. If you made an investment now to purchase a large quantity of teak outdoor furniture direct from a warehouse, you could probably save a bundle in the long-term. As long as you give all the furniture a good cleaning a couple times a year, it should remain functional and attractive for many decades with no other maintenance issues.

You may also be thinking about starting up a teak furniture retail business in your local area. If you’re in this boat, you will, of course, need to find a supplier who can ship you large quantities of high quality teak furniture at wholesale price.

Whatever the case might be, locating a teak furniture factory or warehouse is going to be a priority. So let’s have a look at some of the wholesale teak furniture suppliers who might be able to help you out.

Keep in mind that many teak furniture suppliers are located in Indonesia, particularly on the island of Java. As such, English will not be the first language of the staff working at these factories and warehouses. Therefore, please be understanding of any grammar mistakes and other English language errors when communicating with these suppliers via email or by phone.


Wholesale Teak Furniture Suppliers


Jepara Teak Land

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://jeparateakland.com/
Phone: +62 82-220-277-159
Email: info@jeparateakland.com


Aulia Jati

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.auliajati.com/
Phone: +62 81-914-010-120
Email: info@auliajati.com


IndoTeak Furniture

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.indoteakfurniture.com
Phone: +62 81 225-438-67
Email: info@indoteakfurniture.com


IndoCasa Furniture

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: https://www.indocasafurniture.com/
Phone: +62 81 129-672-96
Email: info@indocasafurniture.com


Siam Old Teak

Location: Hua Hin, Thailand
Website: http://siamoldteak.com
Phone: +66 83-312-2116
Email: siam_oldteak@hotmail.com


Kalingga Jati Furniture

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.kalinggajatifurniture.com/
Phone: +62 291-595-628
Email: info@kalinggajatifurniture.com


Kusuma Furniture

Location: Pati, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.kusumafurniture.com/
Phone: +62 87-831-404-555
Email: kusuma.furniture@gmail.com


Segoro Mas

Location: Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.segoromas.com/
Phone: +62 271-656-385
Email: sales1@segoromas.com



Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.baliette.com
Phone: +62 85-106-7070-58
Email: info@baliette.com


Teak Republic

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://teakrepublic.com/
Phone: +62 291-592-590


Qirana Furniture

Location: Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://qirana.com/
Phone: +62 24 671-0234
Email: info@qirana.com


Jepara Indo Furniture

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.jepara-indofurniture.com
Phone: +62 81 22806 2172
Email: jeparaindofurnitures@gmail.com


Katama Golden Teak

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.katamagoldenteak.com/
Phone: +66 81 225 555 079
Email: info@katamagoldenteak.com


Jepara Production

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.jeparaproduction.com/
Phone: +62 85 640 850 767
Email: jeparaproduction@gmail.com


Jepara Crafter Furniture

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://jeparacrafters.com/
Phone: +62 81325 720097
Email: sales@jeparacrafter.com


Crafter Furniture

Location: Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Website: http://www.crafterfurniture.com/
Phone: +62 361 8476 528
Email: info@crafterfurniture.com


Indoteak Sukses Makmur

Location: Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.preefurniture.com/
Phone: +62 81 225 43867
Email: sales@preefurniture.com


No Name Furniture Factory

Location: Bali, Indonesia
Website: http://nonamefurniturebali.com/
Phone: +62 361 474 0687
Email: nonamefurniturebali@gmail.com


Bagoes Teak

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.bagoesteak.com/
Phone: +62 813 1600 6961
Email: info@bagoesteak.com


Lin Win

Location: Yangon, Myanmar
Website: http://www.linwinmyanmar.com
Phone: +95 1 223 894
Email: linwin@linwinmyanmar.com


Teak Garden Indonesia

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.teakgardenindonesia.com/
Phone: +62 856 414 01819
Email: info@teakgardenindonesia.com


My Own Bali

Location: Bali, Indonesia
Website: http://www.myownbali.com/
Phone: +62-813-258-54100
Email: info@myownbali.com


Enthusiasteak Furniture

Location: Kaloran, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: https://enthusiasteak.com/
Phone: +62 81 285 810 209
Email: enthusiasteak@gmail.com


Jawa Mebel

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://jawamebel.com/
Phone: +62 291-591764
Email: info@jawamebel.com


Bate Furniture

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.batefurniture.com
Phone: +62 291 429 6888
Email: bate@batefurniture.com



Location: Solo, Indonesia
Website: http://www.wisanka.com/
Phone: +62 271-623231
Email: info@wisanka.com


Bale Living

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://baleliving.com/
Phone: +62 811 277 789
Email: info@baleliving.com


Janoko Furniture

Location: Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Website: http://www.janoko-furniture.com
Phone: +62 81 225 555 079
Email: info@janoko-furniture.com